When is the best time to slice seed my lawn?

Slice SeedingA well-kept lawn is one obvious indication of a homeowner who takes pride in his or her property. Healthy grass, manicured landscape and natural bark mulch in and around the landscape and gardens can make a huge difference to your property.  An unkempt yard with bare patches of dirt on your lawn and lots of weeds can be fixed in no time at all.  The team of lawn care experts at Mike Lynch Enterprises has more than enough experience to help you figure out how to start pampering your lawn the right way.

Our strategy for a healthy lawn is slice seeding, a technique used to apply grass seed to the ground in a very effective way. Instead of scattering seeds across the surface of the ground and hoping it will grow, slice seeding creates direct contact between the seed and the soil.   This is the most effective way to fill in those bare spots and problem areas.  The equipment used for slice seeding is aptly named – stainless steel blades slice into the ground and create furrows, where the seeds are deposited. This action is complimented by a generous helping of starter fertilizer and lime, to make sure that the grass has all the right nutrients available so it can grow strong and healthy all the way down to the roots.

The best time to overseed your lawn is in the 3rd week of August through September. The team at Mike Lynch Enterprises will provide a treatment to kill off all the existing weeds and apply a grub application if needed.  Mowing the existing lawn is recommended before seed slicing, with an ideal grass height of about an inch. After the seed slicing is complete, be sure to water regularly or the seeds won’t germinate.


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